Sanz-López F, Berzosa C, Hita-Contreras F, Martínez-Amat A. Effects of eccentric overload training on patellar tendon and vastus lateralis in three days of consecutive running. Knee. 2017 Jun;24(3):570-579.
This study takes a look at changes in muscle structures and tendons after eccentric overload training and 3 consecutive running days.
20 heathy runners split in 2 groups. Group 1 conducted an eccentric overload training focusing on squats for 6 weeks followed by a 3 consecutive running days. The control group did not do any eccentric training.
The most important results is that the ultrasound and Doppler imaging showed an improvement of the tissue quality (significant increase in cross-sectional area) of the patellar tendon in the eccentric overload group.
This makes eccentric overload training a suitable tool for injury prevention.