Our goal: improve training quality and efficiency by providing an information platform based on studies and sales of innovative training equipment and accessories.
Laßnitzthal 384
8200 Gleisdorf
Legal structure: private limited company
Responsible court: Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen Graz
Austrian Chamber of Commerce Member
Main Business Licence: Mechatronic engineer of machines and manufacturing technology
Business Licence Authority: Magistrat Graz, Austria
Business Licence Regulations: www.ris.bka.gv.at
EU-Commission online dispute resolution: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Main scope of business: development, production and sales of mechatronic equipment especially training equipment and trade with all kind of goods.
Company registration number: FN 486487 y
VAT-Number: ATU73044804
General Manager and Owner: Alexander Gigerl
Email: [email protected]